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Former Vero, County officials appointed for volunteer board posts

VERO BEACH — Craig Fletcher and Alan Polackwich are both well-known figures in top posts of local government, but the end of their official tenures does not mean they’re finished serving the public.

On Tuesday morning, the Vero Beach City Council selected long-time city councilman and two-time mayor Fletcher to fill an open spot on the city’s Code Enforcement Board.

Then on Tuesday afternoon, the Board of County Commissioners heartily affirmed Commissioner Joe Flescher’s nomination of former County Attorney Polackwich for a seat on the county’s Planning and Zoning Commission.

Mayor Dick Winger noted during the discussion about whether to place Fletcher on the Code Enforcement Board or the Planning and Zoning Board — as he had applied for both — that “He always said that code was his love.”

Fletcher is a Vero Beach native and a retired Mc Donnell Douglass aeronautical engineer who served a total of four terms on the council over a span of more than a decade. He did not seek re-election in November.

Commissioner Joe Flescher said he was proud to nominate Polackwich to the post, as he lives in his North County district. He added that the county is very fortunate to have someone with Polackwich’s vast experience to serve on the board.

Before his tenure as county attorney from 2010 to 2013, Polackwich worked as a banking executive and had a successful private legal practice for many years.

Both positions are volunteer jobs, Flescher pointing out that board members provide valuable services for zero compensation.

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