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BUZZ: ‘Tis the season to turn to social media as family/work drives you nuts

Oh social media, how we love to dive into you one click at a time for an hour here or an hour there to get a good laugh.

Especially as the holiday season is upon us or work is dragging (especially if we work from home). Then again, this is part of my job to scour the feeds we have here at and bring you the most entertaining tidbits of video/pins/or crazy quotes.

So, if you don’t have time to hit the websites to give you pixels of joy, here are some links/quotes from people who entertain us through the internets.

Happy clicking,



Top Videos:

Why would you wear red to a bull related event? –

Swimming owl in Lake Michigan –

Mission Impossible squirrel –

Interesting Pins on Pinterest:

Each to their own, but a little creepy in my opinion –

A thoughtful carrot –

This photo almost makes me want to have snow –


How do you know you may be from the south? From friend (name omitted)…”You know you’re from the south when you’re bailing muddy water out of your truck with a KFC cup.” BWAHAHAHAH!!!

In my experience, there are two kinds of computers: Those that cooperate, and those that don’t.

I must be in stealth mode…that little old man driving can’t see I’m on the road driving.

I have The Muppet Theme kicking in my house. Via the drum set and kazoo talents of my husband……..

I have decided that my sweet son is never getting candy ever again. He starts out hyper and then about an hour later turns into the sugared equivalent of a nasty drunk, Loud, irritable and extremely demanding. Small men just can’t handle their chocolate like a grown woman can 🙂

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