McCain, Searcy take leadership posts on School Board

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — With the swearing in of three School Board members, the Board Tuesday evening has chosen its new leaders.

Board member Matt McCain and newly elected – and former Board member – Charles Searcy have been selected to serve as the Chair and Vice Chair, respectively.

“I know he has experience in that field,” newly re-sworn in candidate Dale Simchick said of McCain’s ability to serve in the search for a new schools superintendent.

Simchick, Charles Searcy and Shawn Frost were those sworn in following the Primary election in August.

Both Board member Claudia Jimenez and Simchick nominated McCain for the Chairman’s post. Frost nominated Searcy and Searcy nominated Simchick.

“I appreciate it and I’m honored,” Simchick said of the nomination. However, she asked that her name be removed from consideration, explaining that the Chair needs to be able to spend more time to conduct the work needed and she doesn’t believe she’d be able to perform.

McCain’s approval came with a 4-1 vote, with Searcy voting nay.

When nominating the Vice Chair, McCain cautioned his fellow Board members that such posts have a learning curve and require experience.

He nominated Jimenez. Frost nominated Searcy.

Simchick voted with Frost and Searcy to name Searcy to the Vice Chair post, which passed with a 3-2 vote.

During the reorganization portion of the meeting, the School Board discussed when meetings should be held.

Searcy asked if it were necessary to have two meetings each month for the School Board to conduct its business.

He told his fellow Board members that the District staff performs a lot of work twice a month and added that he felt the Board’s work could be condensed to one meeting each month. If another meeting were necessary, a special call meeting could be held.

School Board members Simchick, Jimenez and McCain each told Searcy that both monthly meetings are necessary.

Schools Superintendent Dr. Fran Adams interjected that each Board meeting is typically quite busy and, if for no other reason, two are needed just to handle changes in District personnel.

Ultimately, the Board voted unanimously to keep the meeting schedule as is – at 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month – as well as the location, in the Teacher Education Center in the School District Administration Building, located at 1990 25th St., Vero Beach.

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