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Commission approves more funding to fight All Aboard Florida

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The Indian River County Board of Commissioners approved another $65,000 to continue its fight against the All Aboard Florida high speed passenger rail project.

The Commission also approved 50 pages worth of comments from both the County’s legal team and outside consultants calling out various deficiencies and discrepancies in the draft environmental impact study for the rail project.

“I think every penny is well worth it,” Commissioner Peter O’Bryan said of the funding the County has put into responding to the project.

Prior to Tuesday’s meeting, the County had allocated $100,000 from the general fund to fight All Aboard Florida.

O’Bryan said the comment package is so detailed and specific, outlining arguments against the rail project that he hopes the Federal Railroad Administration will be forced to craft a valid reply.

Vice Chair Bob Solari told his fellow commissioners and those in the audience that it would be a difficult process to overturn the proposed project and that they should expect to keep working over the next year to two.

“The take away is this is not a done deal,” Solari said, despite the narrative All Aboard Florida keeps spouting.

With Tuesday’s actions, the Commission approved an additional $40,000 to cover additional fees and costs associated with the review of and response to the draft environmental impact study as well as $25,000 for outside legal counsel versed in state law. That counsel would be called upon to advise the County on its legal rights and responsibilities with respect to the rail project.

The $65,000 will come out of the County’s general fund.

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