Lady Sharks get ready for basketball season

The Lady Sharks basketball team has just completed their first week of practice in preparation for the upcoming season. Head Coach Terry Amy is entering her fifteenth year as head coach and won the state championship in 2012.

“I had a bunch of girls who worked really hard to make 2012 a special year,” Amy said. “We were kind of the underdog team and I have a couple girls now who were freshman on that team and they know what it felt like to win it and I hope they can share that with the girls we have now.”

Currently the Lady Sharks have been going through conditioning workouts and are now practicing for the first time together in their hopes of another state championship. “These girls are excited to play and win and compete and everyone wants to reach that point,” Terry said. “We don’t harp on that year so much but every year we talk about hanging banners in the gym and try to use that as motivation. Every year we tell them that every game is important you want to strive for something and you want them to get better.”

After winning the state championship some coaches might relax a bit – but not Amy. “There’s no relaxing on the court. We want the girls to be excited about playing basketball,” Amy said. “We go out there to compete every year and pull out all the stops. We want everyone to come together as a team and compete for their positions. No one has a starting job; everyone should be fighting for a starting job.”

Although Amy is the leader for the girls and draws up the Xs and Os she gives the credit to her girls putting in the work. “For me it’s all about the girls. They come out and practice every day and fight every game,” Amy said. “We take the players we’re given and we work with what we got on the floor and hope they buy what we’re trying to sell every year.”

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