Ladd Kudlach, 97, formerly of Vero Beach

Ladd Kudlach, 97, formerly of Clastonbury, Conn., and Vero Beach, passed away on Oct. 18, 2014, at Burlington Health and Rehab.

He is survived by daughter Patricia Aiken (Bruce); son Stephen Kudlach (Terry); grandchildren Scott Aiken, Julie Altemose, Laura Mongeon, Thomas Kudlach; and seven great-grandchildren.

He was predeceased by his wife Nathalie in 1994.

Ladd moved to Vermont in 2011, and happily made Pillsbury Manor his home.

Ladd retired after many years as a stockbroker. He was a member of South Glastonbury Community Club, Connecticut Shriners, and Vero Beach senior citizens.

Burial will be in Glastonbury, Conn., at later date.

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