Sebastian softball coach says game gives girls multiple opportunities

Mike Coffey has been teaching for 35 years and is currently teaches 6th grade advanced science at Sebastian River Middle School. This is his first year as the head softball coach at Sebastian River High School but Coffey already has a well-defined coaching philosophy: He wants his girls to succeed at life and learn a little about softball along the way.

“Being on time for practice to me is preliminary to being on time for work,” Coffey said. “I love it when the light goes on in a young person’s mind and they decide to try and get good at something. The challenge for me is to try and make that light come on.”

Coffey is proud to have started softball at Sebastian River Middle School three years ago and hopes more young girls take up the sport at an early age. “Bringing softball to the limelight and letting girls know that it is an opportunity to help them mature and help them grow up.” Coffey said. “If they have the work ethic and the talent to play they can possibly get some college money. Along with that, I have to give credit to all of the people in the ‘neighborhood’ who coach the girls in little league and travel ball.”

Keeping today’s generation of athletes motivated is difficult. In some cases, as with softball, there isn’t a huge payday at the end of a college career. Coach Coffey tells his players to set goals for their professional futures. “I would love to see softball back in the Olympics. A lot of girls would set a goal to play in the Olympics and that really hurt when they took it away,” Coffey said. “I would like to focus on my girls playing in college and having successful careers. I am very pleased with these young adults and lucky to be surrounded by such great kids at Sebastian.”

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