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Govs. Scott and Christie campaign in Vero Beach

VERO BEACH — A packed campaign office chanting “Rick Scott” welcomed the candidate; screams of excitement a rock star would receive.

Gov. Scott came into the office to U2’s “Beautiful Day” shaking most people’s hands with Gov. Chris Christie, Chair of the Republican Governors Association, on his heels.

“His responsibility is to help us win Florida,” said Gov. Scott of Christie. “…Because we’re going to take our country back.”

The speakers also made the crowd laugh, Gov. Scott with a tax joke and Sen. Thad Altman addressing “fangate.”

“Some people have said I’ve been here so much I’m going to have to start paying property taxes,” said Gov. Scott.

The candidate then went on to outline how he was going to win. He mentioned the absentee ballots, saying they’re “way up” over the Democrats.

“We need about 3 million votes,” said Gov. Scott. “…We just need to get every Republican to vote, every Republican.”

He also hammered away at candidate and former Gov. Charlie Crist’s job record.

“We can win, it’s up to you,” said Gov. Scott.

Both Christie and Scott addressed the volunteers.

“The most important thing you can do over the next 19 days is to believe in the value of your work,” said Gov. Christie.

Gov. Christie also took a shot at candidate Crist.

“This is not the election to bring back a retread, double talking politician like Charlie Crist,” said Gov. Christie.

Sen. Thad Altman also attended the campaign stop.

“I’ve worked with the other guy (Charlie Crist); he doesn’t hold a candle to Rick Scott, he’s one of us,” said Sen. Altman. “As a matter of fact, as we stand here on a hot day, he doesn’t need a fan blowing up his… jacket.”

“It’s very important for the future of our state that Rick Scott gets elected,” said Sen. Altman. “Let’s keep Florida on the right track.”

Sheriff Deryl Loar also made an appearance.

“On behalf of the Florida Sheriff’s Association and for all the sheriff’s throughout the southeast, we support (Rick Scott), right here, Nov. 4, he’s gotta be our next governor,” said Sheriff Loar.

“Let’s keep working!” chanted Gov. Scott as the crowd joined in to wrap up the visit.

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