INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The United Way of Indian River County has chosen yet another powerhouse couple to lead the 2014-2015 United Way Campaign – Leslie Swan, Indian River County’s Supervisor of Elections, and husband Mike Swan, a partner in the law firm of Rossway Swan Tierney Barry. The task ahead of them is a daunting one, but the couple is up to the challenge.
At last Saturday’s Day of Caring and Campaign Kickoff Breakfast, held at the Gifford Youth Activity Center, the couple announced that they are determined to raise $2,630,000 – the highest in the history of the county’s 53-year-old organization.
“It was kind of a natural progression,” said Leslie Swan, when asked about their acceptance as co-chairs. She previously served as a United Way Loaned Executive and on the Citizen’s Review Panel, and Mike started in the organization’s Campaign Cabinet.
“We will need everyone’s help, but we know that money isn’t all that’s needed to give everyone in this county a quality life. We also need a host of volunteers, which is why many of you are here today,” said Leslie Swan, addressing the gathering.
In a break from tradition, the kickoff announcement was made in conjunction with the organization’s annual Day of Caring, with hundreds of volunteers giving up their Saturday mornings to help others.
“United Way Day of Caring fills lots of needs, but besides the physical completion of projects, Day of Caring is an inspiration to the community. People helping people,” she added.
Piper, the Day of Caring presenting sponsor, was represented by 40 volunteers eagerly awaiting their appointed tasks.
Guest speaker Jim Funk, Piper’s vice president of Operations, remarked that combining the campaign kickoff with the Day of Caring demonstrated the importance of people in the community working together.
“We’re proud to be part of this event,” said Funk, one of many in the crowd wearing Live United t-shirts.
“We’re here today officially kicking-off the United Way campaign in Indian River County. Why is that important? Because as beautiful as it is here, and in spite of the wonderful opportunities for a good life, there are people hurting in Gifford, and all of Indian River County. It takes more than good people; it also takes money to make needed changes. That’s where the United Way community wide fundraising campaign comes in.”
Representative of some United Way Partner agencies were in attendance, on behalf of nonprofits which provide a variety of programs and services, in areas such as child abuse prevention, assisting those with developmental disabilities, education, emergency food and shelter, medical care to the uninsured, after-school programs, literacy, disaster relief, and many more.
Also recognized were the Elite Campaign Sponsors, businesses that sign on early to help defray costs; Torchbearer businesses, that pledge early to run Employee Giving campaigns and provide Corporate gifts of a minimum of $12,000; as well as Loaned Executives, their Board of Directors and Campaign Cabinet volunteers.
“This seems like a pep rally!” exclaimed Freddie Woolfork, Gifford Youth Activity Center’s director of Public Relations & Facilities Operation. “Anything of this magnitude should have a cheer!
He proceeded to ‘rap’ with the crowd, leading them in a rousing refrain, saying, “This is what United Way is – Red Hot!
Funds raised will enable the United Way to meet its campaign theme, ‘Keeping Our Promise’ through its support of nonprofits providing education, financial stability and health initiatives to the community.