MACE arrests man with over 1 pound of marijuana

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The Indian River County Sheriff’s Office Multi-Agency Criminal Enforcement Unit has arrested a county man for possession of marijuana with intent to sell, as well as tampering with evidence, according to authorities.

Keith Evans, 46, was arrested in the 1500 block of 15th Circle Southwest, around 6 p.m., according to the report.

During the search, the M.A.C.E. Unit found around 457 grams (over one pound) or marijuana, a digital scale, and $891 next to the scale, plastic baggies, a drug ledger, and various other narcotics related items, according to the Sheriff’s Office. An additional six grams of marijuana was located floating in the toilet.

Evans said in an interview he lives there part-time, according to the report. He also said in the interview that all the material relating to the marijuana belonged to him. A drug ledger on a dry/erase board was pointed out to the authorities by Evans. The bulk of the marijuana was found under his mattress. The pot, he told M.A.C.E. was floating in the toilet after he attempted to flush it down as the warrant was executed. It is unknown how much of the drug was lost due to his actions.

Evans is currently being held at the Indian River County Jail in without bond.

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