INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Two suspicious packages placed on the railroad tracks on Roseland Road prompted a call to the St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Disposal Unit on Sunday.
The packages, cylindrical in shape and bound by a wire or string like material, were discovered to contain “cow tongues with nails and pins stuck in them,” according to the Indian River Sheriff’s Office.
According to an official press release, authorities have “learned of at least one similar incident in another jurisdiction that link the practice to Santeria, a religion that combines Christianity with West African beliefs.”
Deputies are seeking more information about the person who was observed placing the packages on the tracks on Sunday and reported to authorities by a concerned citizen.
Anyone who may have witnessed this incident or who may have information is encouraged to call (772) 978-6161 in reference to case number 2014-149305. You can remain anonymous and be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000 by contacting Treasure Coast Crime Stoppers at 1-800-273-TIPS (8477) or www.tcwatch.org.
Sept. 7 6:05 p.m.
INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Roseland Road has been re-opened after a suspicious package forced its closure, according to authorities.
There was nothing dangerous in the package, according to the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office.
Sept. 7 4:47 p.m.
INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — A suspicious package found on the railroad tracks Sunday has closed Roseland Road in both directions, according to Sgt. Eric Flowers, spokesman for the Indian River Sheriff’s Office.
The Saint Lucie County Sheriff’s Bomb squad has been called in to investigate.
This article will be updated when more information becomes available.