INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — There will be two new members on the Indian River County School Board voters have decided.
Shawn R. Frost won the District 1 seat currently held by Karen Disney-Brombach and former School Board member Charlie Searcy won over Randy Heimler, who was backed by the teachers’ union.
“I feel like the people have spoken. We ran a really hard campaign. We were grassroots and we went door to door and I think that’s what really separated us,” Frost said.
After edging out Disney-Brombach in District 1, Frost said he was excited to begin serving in his new position.
“My platform was just more aligned with the people of Indian River County and what they wanted,” Frost said.
Disappointed in the results, Heimler maintained that he is still more qualified for the position than his former opponent.
“We did the best we could possibly do. We didn’t leave anything on the field, we put it all out there,” Heimler said. “The only thing I can think of is I haven’t been living in Indian River County long enough for the residents to recognize my name and respect my credentials.”
More than 6,500 voters cast their ballots by absentee and more than 3,100 took advantage of early voting. Nearly 6,500 voters went to their polls on election day, accounting for a 16.7 percent total voter turnout.
There are more than 97,000 registered voters in Indian River County.
Supervisor of Elections Leslie Swan said that voter turnout was lower than anticipated but that the Primary election went smoothly.
These are the results:
37 Precincts of 37 reporting.
District 1
• Karen Disney-Brombach: 6,901
• Shawn R. Frost: 8,154
District 4
• Randy Heimler: 5,635
• Charles Searcy: 9,409