Fellsmere grows by another 7 acres with requested annexation

FELLSMERE — The City of Fellsmere is another seven acres bigger after the Fellsmere City Council unanimously approved a voluntary annexation on the northwest corner of County Road 512 and the Park Lateral canal.

Dominic and Luanne Foti asked the Council to annex their newly acquired 7.3-acre property that fronts 141st Avenue and 91st Street.

“Welcome to town,” Mayor Susan Adams told the Fotis after the vote. “We’re happy to have you.”

City Manager Jason Nunemaker told the Council prior to the vote that the Fotis plan to establish an events venue on their property, which would be “exciting” for the City of Fellsmere. He explained that having such venues to hold weddings, receptions and other events is much needed in the city.

“I’m very happy to have them on board,” Nunemaker said.

Though the Fotis could have pursued their plans without being annexed into the city, Dominic Foti told the Council in July that they want to have that connection with the community.

When he and his wife moved from New England, Foti said they did their research and were impressed with Fellsmere’s “scrappy” personality – having been forged from the marsh.

They wanted a farm site that they could fix up and make operational again as well as use it as a backdrop for special events.

Foti also hopes to work with the School District as a place for school children to take field trips and learn about farms.

Not much is expected to change on the City’s part for having annexed the property. The Council was clear that being annexed would not mean getting the road paved or other such benefits some might expect with an annexation.

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