County man arrested on 4 counts sexual battery on child

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — An Indian River County man has been arrested and faces charges of four counts of sexual battery on a child under 12 years old, according to the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office.

Arthur Sanders Jr., 50, was arrested Monday around 6 p.m., according to the report. The Department of Children and Families received a report that alleged that Sanders was having sex with a 10-year-old girl. The abuse has possibly been going on for the past year, according to the report.

Sanders called the Sheriff’s Office in an attempt to file a report that the victim had been sexually assaulted by an unknown boy in the neighborhood, according to authorities.

Both the child and Sanders voluntarily came to the Sheriff’s Office and claimed that the assailant was an unknown male.

When confronted with the allegation from D.C.F., Sanders denied it and asked to leave. He was allowed to leave and returned with his girlfriend.

After he left, Sanders told authorities that he needed to tell his family himself, according to the Sheriff’s Office. He told them in an interview that he had sex with the victim twice in May 2014 and twice in June 2014.

According to the Sheriff’s Office, the child later told authorities that she lied in the original report at Sanders’ request. She also told investigators that she believes she had sex with Sanders approximately 30 times.

Sanders wrote a letter of apology and requested help, according to the report. Sanders is being held at the Indian River County Jail with no bond.

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