Casting a Ballot

At Your Precinct on Election Day

Florida law says you must vote in your correct precinct on Election Day. Your voter information card will specify the precinct number and will specify polling location for your precinct. The polls are open from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. If you are unsure of your polling place, you can go to the Supervisor of Election’s website at or call 772-226-3440.

Polls will be open on Election Day from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.

You will be asked to show a photo and signature identification when you go to the polls to vote. Acceptable forms of photo identification include:

  • Florida driver’s license
  • Florida identification card issued by the DHSMV
  • United States Passport
  • Debit or credit card
  • Military identification
  • Student identification
  • Retirement center identification
  • Neighborhood association identification
  • Public assistance identification

If your photo identification does not contain your signature, you will be required to show an additional identification that provides your signature.

Once your identity has been established, you will be asked to sign the precinct register or electronic device before being allowed to vote.

If you need assistance in marking your ballot, please inform the poll worker.

If you make a mistake when voting on a paper ballot, ask for a replacement. You may receive up to two replacements, or a total of three ballots.

If you do not have the proper identification, you will be allowed to vote a provisional ballot.

Early Voting

Starting at least 10 days prior to each primary and general election, you may vote at any designated early voting site in Indian River County.

Vote By Absentee/Mail Ballot

Voting by absentee/mail is a service offered by the Supervisor of Elections for registered voters who do not wish to vote at their precinct polling location on Election Day or do not choose to take advantage of Early Voting.

A request for an absentee/mail ballot can be made in person, by mail, by telephone or you can request one online at

An absentee/mail ballot may be requested for a specific election or for all elections through two election cycles. Voted absentee/mail ballots must be received at our office by 7 p.m. on Election Day.

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