Pet Meals on Wheels able to deliver more food for pets through new grant

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The Banfield Charitable Trust has awarded the Senior Resource Association a $2,500 grant to provide Pet Meals on Wheels for the pet owners that are currently recipients of meals through the Meals on Wheels program. The Pet Meals on Wheels program was created to ensure seniors would be receiving their own proper nutrition and also be able to provide meals for their pets.

“We are proud to support the Senior Resource Association’s efforts to help struggling pet families in Florida,” said Executive Director and CEO Dianne McGill. “Something as simple as access to donated pet food can make a difference in keeping pets out of shelters and in their loving homes. Proactive solutions like Senior Resource Association’s Pet Meals on Wheels program are critical to stemming the tide on overcrowded shelters and avoiding heartache for pets and their caretakers. We are grateful to have found an organization like the Senior Resource Association that shares the same compassion and determination to safeguard pet families.”

For more information about Pet Meals on Wheels or the Senior Resource Association, visit or call 772-569-0760.

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