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Gifford Neighborhood Plan receives stamp of approval

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — An extensive neighborhood plan approved 5-0 by the Board of County Commissioners on Tuesday, commits the County to completing 16 action items to improve the Gifford neighborhood between 2014 and 2024.

The original Gifford Neighborhood plan was shelved in 2002 and was re-visited by the Board in May 2013 when Commissioners asked Community Development to evaluate and update the plan for further consideration.

Several Gifford residents, leaders, and members of the Progressive Civic League of Gifford appeared before the Board on Tuesday to express approval of the proposed plan, and commended the Board on its support.

The number one concern that arose out of those who spoke on behalf of Gifford, was the time line that stretches the project to 2024.

“This Gifford Neighborhood plan was started back in 1999. We’re still 15 years behind the eight-ball,” said Althea McKenzie, a well-known advocate for the Gifford area who frequently addresses the Board with concerns on improving the neighborhood.

“This is a great start,” McKenzie said, “but the time lines on this wish list are unfair.”

In response to McKenzie and others who voiced concerns about the long time line, Commissioner Bob Solari explained the neighborhood plan as a “minimal commitment.”

“This is the least we can do. I would certainly say, and I have every confidence that every member of this Board agrees with me, if there are opportunities for other grants or funding” to move projects forward, the Board would certainly support it, Solari said.

The Gifford Neighborhood Plan consists of beautification and improvements to 45th Street, sidewalk improvements, street maintenance, traffic and safety improvements, drainage improvements, and improvements and maintenance of parks.

According to the proposed plan, “funding sources will include the General Fund, gas taxes, sales taxes, the MSTU, grants, and other appropriate funding sources.”

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