North County Republicans to meet July 8

SEBASTIAN — The July meeting of the North County Republican will be held Tuesday, July 8, at Captain Hiram’s. The social hour is at the downstairs bar at 5:30 p.m., followed by the dinner meeting upstairs in the Tiffany Room at 6:30 p.m.

The cost of the dinner is $18 with reservations required by Sunday, July 6. RSVP to Leah Facto,

That evening, the club will be announcing the winner of the AR-15 and the final proceeds from a very successful fundraising event.

The club will also be awarding the 2014 Irene Bush Service Award, an annual award given for service to the club and the Republican party.

The program for the evening is a presentation by Joe Griffin, Sebastian’s City Manager. He will also be introducing Frank Watanabe to the club, Sebastian’s new head of Economic Development.

Please make your reservations soon by replying to this e-mail. It is essential that Captain Hiram’s have an accurate count of the number of attendees. Thanks in advance for your help in this matter.

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