INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Imagine Indian River South Charter School will continue its operation in Indian River County for another 15 years, the School Board decided Tuesday evening.
The school’s contract with the School District was up for renewal and was negotiated between the two parties.
Michael Ferrentino, executive director of Exceptional Student Education (ESE) and Student Services, told the School Board that there is a “good baseline” for the school’s academic growth and they worked out a “really solid plan.”
Imagine’s governing board approved the proffered contract prior to the School Board’s meeting.
School Board member Karen Disney-Brombach told her fellow board members that she attended the 8th grade graduation and was impressed with the level of parental involvement at the school as well as the students’ behavior.
The contract was unanimously approved.
Imagine is a “High Performing” school as recognized by the Florida Department of Education and serves students in Kindergarten through 8th grade. There are currently 895 students who attend the charter school. It opened in August 2008.