Dyer Automotive provides hurricane prep services

VERO BEACH — This year, Dyer Automotive on US 1 in Vero Beach has been hosting a free, monthly barbecue to shine some spotlight on a different organization or community group within the county.

The events are the company’s way of giving back to the community, said Christine Papke, Dyer’s digital media and event coordinator.

To mark the first day of summer, Dyer focused June’s barbecue around something the entire community should be preparing to endure: hurricane season.

Of the handful of barbecues the dealership has provided so far, Saturday’s was the best attended.

The American Red Cross, Humane Society, and Indian River Crime Prevention all had representatives on hand to share information about preparing homes, pets, and people for the worst case scenario.

Additionally, Dyer’s service department was available for free vehicle inspections and education on the best way to prepare a car or truck for a hurricane.

Service advisor Tim Zerbke said the number one thing people should check and re-check when thinking about having to pack up and leave at the brink of a hurricane, is tires.

“Check your tire pressures, check the quality of tires,” Zerbke said. He continued to name windshield wipers, battery, lights, hi-beams, and brakes as some of the key parts of a vehicle to have inspected in preparation of hurricane season.

Papke said the service department was also checking sunroofs for a very specific reason.

“I heard a very weird story, about someone’s sunroof getting sucked right out of the top of their car during a storm,” Papke said. “They found it down the street.”

Most of the event’s attendees were drawn in by the barbecue and stayed for the education. Honeychild’s barbecue, owned and operated by Angela Holmes and her husband, Jonathan Holmes, is the regular caterer for Dyer’s events. Jonathan Holmes is also the general manager of the Dyer Automotive store located on US 1 in Vero Beach.

It is no surprise that the food tent is the most popular stop for event attendees each month, Papke said.

Serving heaping piles of pulled pork, brisket, baked beans, collard greens, and cornbread, the Holmes’ are very proud of the quality food they are able to provide.

“We use all local ingredients and make everything homemade,” Jonathan Holmes said.

“Jonathan makes the sauce, and it is absolutely delicious,” said Angela Holmes.

Whether patrons came for the food or a lesson in safety, Papke said, Dyer is just happy to be getting into the swing of providing this service each and every month.

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