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School Board approves union contract, community grants

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The Indian River County teachers’ union has been finalized for years 2013 through 2015 and two education programs will be funded through community grants, the Indian River County School Board decided unanimously Tuesday night.

The Board also approved contracts for maintenance and support of the School District’s 2,500-phone system and for an online professional development system.

Indian River County School District teachers will now have a contract, which goes into effect retroactively to 2013, that goes into 2015.

The union, the Indian River County Education Association, and School District went to impasse earlier this year, which was resolved by going to the School Board in mid-May. The School Board’s decision is expected to be ratified the union and has been approved by the Board, contingent on that ratification.

Under the terms of the contract, each teacher will receive a raise of at least $1,400, an increased contribution to health insurance from the School Board, and modifications to the systems for teacher observations and walkthroughs.

“We appreciate the (Indian River) Community Foundation,” Schools Superintendent Dr. Fran Adams said in reference to the organization’s $47,835.50 grant to Highlands Elementary.

The grant will be used to expand the school’s Conscious Discipline pilot program, which is designed to “build the social and emotional regulatory skills of students at Highlands” and “to productively engage students in learning,” according to the agenda material.

The School Board also approved receiving a grant through The Education Foundation from the John’s Island Community Service League in the amount of $35,000 to extend Kindergarten readiness by 13 days for as many as 90 students.

Currently, the School District provides pre-K to Kindergarten Summer Transition for 200 students, better preparing them for moving on to Kindergarten in the fall. With the John’s Island Community Service League grant, the District will be able to provide more transition time for 90 students who are identified as needing the extra help.

“One more time, the community is stepping up” and helping the youngest students, Dr. Adams said.

The School Board approved two contracts more than $24,400 for phone maintenance and professional development.

Assistant Superintendent of Information Technology Bruce Green presented a request to have Cisco SmartNet continue its maintenance of the School District’s phone system at a cost of $136,446.68.

The School District upgraded its phone system five years ago with a company called Presidio. That contract was for five years and included maintenance and support during that time, according to Green.

Now that the five years is up, the District needed to get another maintenance and support contract and went with the same company.

“This makes sense,” School Board member Dale Simchick said of keeping with the same firm and not sending it out to bid – given the 5-year timeframe.

The other contract approved was for PD 360 Professional Development On-Demand with a price tag of $108,000.

Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Andrew Rynberg told the School Board that the contract came in at essential half-price because the District is getting two years of service for the price of one year.

Teachers will be able to access PD 360 anytime online and access videos and resources for both general professional development and for the Common Core State Standards.

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