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Sebastian River Jr. Woman’s Club reels in fish and fun

Conditions were less than ideal for flats fishing earlier this month when the Sebastian River Jr. Woman’s Club held its annual fishing tournament – one of the group’s main fundraisers. Stiff winds on the water made fishing a particular challenge, anglers said.

“The conditions were awful,” said Joe Richter after returning to shore with his son and granddaughter, all of whom caught fish.

They had fished the Wabasso area – heading out at 6 a.m. and coming in at 1:30 p.m., right after 4-year-old Tiffany caught a lady fish.

Tiffany hadn’t been on the boat the whole time, her grandfather said. Instead, he and her dad went out, came back in to get her, and then went out again.

It was Tiffany’s first fishing excursion and, through her mom said she had fun and would fish again.

Her foray into fishing landed her first place in the Youth Division – the 1.37-pound lady fish placed her ahead of fellow young angler Paul Thomas, who caught a 0.87-pound jackfish.

An hour before all anglers had to report for weigh-in, organizers were beginning to wonder if there were any fish to be caught. Only two fish had been brought in.

“Either they’re waiting ‘till the last minute or they’re not catching anything,” said Teddy Hulse, of the Sebastian River Jr. Woman’s Club.

But the last half-hour kept Hulse busy as the anglers came back with their catches.

“How can we complain?” Hulse asked, explaining it was a beautiful – if very breezy – day sitting on the river at Squid Lips Overwater Grill.

“We love Squid Lips,” Hulse said of holding the fishing tournament at the restaurant. “We’re like royalty here.”

In the past, the Sebastian Jr. Woman’s Club has hosted the tournament at Capt. Butcher’s, as well.

Hulse said they had 25 people register for the tournament, still lower than what the group would like to see, but understandable due to the economy.

“It’s still taking a hit,” she said.

Chris Jones, of Sebastian, didn’t seem to have a problem finding any fish. He caught 13 trout out in the mangroves and under docks on the A-1-A side of the Indian River Lagoon.

“They’re out there,” Jones said.

The third trout he caught wound up being the biggest of the bunch. He kept two others for his dinner that night.

It was the first time Jones had participated in this particular fishing tournament, having signed up just the day before.

He said the mother of one of his friends helps with the tournament and had said they were wanting more anglers to sign up – so he did. His friend wanted to, but had a scheduling conflict.

“It’s pretty well put together,” Jones said of the Sebastian River Jr. Woman’s Club Flats Fishing Tournament, especially given its size.

He said he fishes in other tournaments, larger ones, and the Sebastian tournament run just like them. Jones added that he so enjoyed the tournament that he is already planning to participate again next year.

Sebastian River Jr. Woman’s Club Flats Fishing Tournament


Red Fish


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