VERO BEACH — Randy Old, an 18-year Vero Beach resident and chairman of the Old Vero Ice Age Sites Committee declared that he will be running for one of three seats on the Vero Beach City Council in November.
“We have a unique opportunity to settle a number of very important issues that will put Vero on a path for sustained improvement — and I welcome the opportunity to help meet these challenges,” said Old, 71.
In a press release, Old cited three major issues facing Vero — the All-Aboard Florida high-speed rail project, the issue of utility rates and the sale of the Vero electric utility, and finally the Indian River Lagoon.
An excerpt from Old’s press release about his biography and qualifications:
Old entered the U.S. Army after high school and served as a Japanese linguist, after attending language school. He then attended the University of North Carolina, where he studied Chinese for 4 years and received a BA in Far Eastern Studies.
He was hired by Chase Bank, entered a training program in banking and finance, and was sent to Singapore and Tokyo before opening and managing a branch in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, where he and his family remained for seven years before returning to the U.S. He is still active in Jordan as Chairman of the American Center of Oriental Research, which facilitates archaeology in that country.
Old, who has been married to his wife, Jody, for 48 years, has three children and five grandchildren. He and his family have been coming to Vero annually since the mid-1960s. The Olds bought their home in Vero in 1996 and now live here year round.
He is an alternate member of the City Finance Commission, is Chairman of the Old Vero Ice Age Sites Committee, which is sponsoring an archaeological excavation near the Vero airport of potential international importance, and is immediate past president of Riomar Country Club.
“We have a unique opportunity to settle a number of very important issues that will put Vero on a path for sustained improvement — and I welcome the opportunity to help meet these challenges,” said Old, 71.