INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — A Hobe Sound man has been arrested and faces charges for traveling to meet a minor for unlawful sexual activity and lewd computer solicitation of a child, according to the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office.
Darrin McHugh, 48, was arrested Thursday, around 9 p.m. in the 8400 block of Timberlake Circle, Vero Beach, according to the arrest affidavit.
The 14-year-old girl he thought he was talking to through email was an undercover law enforcement officer, authorities said. The correspondence started Tuesday, April 22.
McHugh set the meeting place at the Post Office at 8500 20th St., according to the Sheriff’s Office. After McHugh was detained, he said during the interview that he was meeting the girl there to have sex with her.
At first, McHugh said he did not know the girl was 14 years old, according to authorities. Instead, he said he thought the email said she was 19 because his eyes are bad. However, as the interview continued, McHugh said that he made a stupid mistake and said that he knew the female was 14.
According to authorities, McHugh said age did not matter to him but that he knows it is wrong to have sex with a 14-year-old.