SEBASTIAN — Undaunted by threatening skies early Saturday morning, hundreds of area children, with moms and dads, grandparents and other relatives in tow converged on Riverview Park’s grassy, lagoon-side field for Sebastian’s annual Easter Egg Hunt.
A pair of bounce houses occupied the basket- and bucket-clutching brigade as they waited for the Official Egg Event to commence.
Headed by the City’s Kathy Calzone and Chris McCarthy, the spacious field had been roped off into four big age-specific sections with wide aisles between. Covering the grass within each section were what must have been two to three gazillion multi-hued faux eggs, provided, no doubt, by helpful plastic hens.
The several hundred kids and grown-ups stood all around the outside of the big squares, crowding together congenially, parents pointing and strategizing, helping their eager kids plot their collection route.
Dad Kyle Haysmer and son, Maverick, 4 ½, were among those scoping out the eggs. Maverick looked stylish in a snazzy blue and white striped tie and matching egg collection bag.
Two-year-old Brianna Baker was a fashion statement in pink, as Mom, Autumn, helped her keep her fab pink framed, star-shaped sunglasses securely on her little nose.
From the southside stage, emcee/deejay Richard Perry, of Anything Under the Stars, provided peppy recorded tunes, and several helpful tips and reminders:
“After the egg hunt, you can stay and have fun in the bounce houses or take a ride in the hay wagon. We’re here ‘till Noon!”
“Remember, parents, let’s let the kids just enjoy themselves. Parents aren’t allowed to enter the egg zones except in the ‘Under 2 Years Old’ area!”
“Please don’t throw the eggs away! We recycle them! You can keep them or leave them with us, but don’t put them in the trash cans.”
“AAAnnnd, inside each area, there is one special egg. Whoever gets it receives a $25 gift certificate and a really big chocolate bunny! Just come on up to the stage to get your prize!”
A cluster of girls in sparkly gold outfits stretched, bounced and warmed up, waiting for Perry to announce: “And now, let’s welcome the SunSations Dancers!”
And the girls entertained the crowd with a peppy number in centerfield. The glittery group is part of 20 or so girls, 8 years old and up, who dance under the leadership of Jessica Keaton, who is also an assistant principal at Sebastian River High School.
Baby Raiden Vasek wasn’t entirely sure he was enjoying all the noisy bigger kids and the loud music. He ducked his nose into Mom, Erica Vasek’s, shoulder and let Grandpa Randy Erickson hang on to his Easter egg bucket.
After a brief moment when a cloud unenthusiastically sprinkled a few drops on the crowd, then retreated, the sky cleared and Perry announced: “OK, kids, it’s time for The Big Countdown! Are you ready?”
A big cheer rang out.
And everyone joined in as Perry counted down: “Ten! Nine! Eight…”
A nanosecond after he got the “ONE!” out the kids exploded into the Egg Zones.
And it didn’t take much longer than the countdown itself, before every zone was totally Egg-less.
Even with so many children all focused on the same mission, with each egg area wall-to-wall with kids, things went smoothly. Lots of fun was had.
And Riverview Park once again showed what a great treasure it is to Sebastian and its citizens young and old as it welcomes a diversity of events all through the year.