SEBASTIAN — To fish or not to fish – that was the question before the Sebastian Recreation Advisory Committee last week as the group, at the request of Parks and Recreation Superintendent Chris McCarthy, considered creating some specific rules for the popular pastime in the Storm Water park and drainage canals.
After lengthy debate, a motion was made and seconded to officially allow catch-and-release-only fishing in the Storm Water Park and canals.
The vote was 3-1 in favor, with Chairman John Tenerowicz casting the lone dissenting vote.
The proposal will now go to the St. John’s River Water Management District for pre-approval, then to the Sebastian City Council as a recommendation.
Although there have been no problems and people have enjoyed fishing in Sebastian for years, McCarthy noted that fishing is not officially allowed in the Storm Water Park, governed by the St. John’s River Water Management District, and “no fishing” signs are in place.
He told the committee that “many people fish (in these waters) all the time, we really have no rules,” and that it involves mostly just catch and release. “We just wanted you all to take a look at it … and give me your ideas.”
Committee member Tammy Nelson, who lives near one of the popular fishing spots, said fishing these areas is “a good thing, it’s not over-fishing; it’s just kids mostly, and to be expected.”
As to any rules to be put in place, Committee Chairman Tenerowicz noted that since the city does not stock any of the waterways in question “catch and release is the way to go.”
Committee member Greg Paschall felt some rules might be a good idea and asked, “Are they keeping (the fish)?”
“They’re not really catching anything,” said Nelson. “They’re just having a good time.”
Paschall noted that the no-fishing rules were related to the water quality of the Storm Water. “Catch and release makes sense.”
“There are bass in the canals,” Tenerowicz said. “They are keeping the bigger ones out of the Hardee Park and the Schumann Street canals.”
McCarthy, nodding, “Yes, I’ve seen small boats in the canals.”
During public comment, resident and dedicated Sebastian promoter Jim Sunnycalb said, “Easy Street (area) is full of bass – nice fish. Some people have cast nets – and Schumann is an awesome place. I fish with my son. We’d like ‘catch and take,’ on Easy Street and other places where the fish (are keepers). I don’t see a problem taking the fish out. Just make certain places where they can’t. Put signs up.”
After all, Sunnycalb pointed out, “we call ourselves a fishing village.”