FELLSMERE – The Humane Society of Vero Beach and Indian River County will be visiting Fellsmere on Thursday, March 6, from 2 to 7 p.m., to provide residents with general information about pet care, humane confinement, low-cost spay/neuter, vaccinations, and heart worm testing and prevention.
The Humane Society will be joined by the Indian River County Department of Animal Control, Fellsmere Police Department, and volunteers from Best Buy’s Geek Squad.
Pet ID tags, collars and leashes, doghouses, and humane methods of dog confinement will be available for pet owners in need.
Activity books and interactive dog toys will be available for children.
“Our neighbor helping neighbor event is designed to help us better connect with members of our Fellsmere community,” said Director of Animal Care Maria Ramirez.
“This event is about education, not enforcement,” said Ilka Daniel, the shelter’s director of animal protection.
The Humane Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping and protecting the animals of Indian River County.