Indian River County touted in Trade & Industry Development magazine

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Indian River County was one of four communities in North America, and the only community in the southeastern U.S., featured in the January/February 2014 edition of Trade & Industry Development magazine.

The Indian River County Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Office provided information to the publisher regarding the county’s agricultural industry for a featured article, “Where the Climate is Ripe for Food & Ag Production Centers to Grow.”

With over 25,000 subscribers nationally, Trade & Industry Development circulation reaches the corporate site selection team involved in location activity, including C-level executives, corporate real estate professionals and site consultants.

“The fact that we are located in the heart of the Indian River Citrus District made perfect sense for Indian River County to be included in this feature article on agricultural production,” Helene Caseltine, Economic Development Director for the Chamber, said in a prepared statement.

“Agriculture is big business in Florida, and citrus is one of our key industries in Indian River County,” she added.

The article included information on the benefits of locating business to Indian River County in terms of transportation and access to potential customers, and the county’s unique position as a tourism destination for corporate executives.

The online edition offers a link to the Chamber’s website, recent announcements, and a summary of doing business in Indian River County.

For more information on locating or expanding a business in Indian River County, call Helene Caseltine at the Indian River County Chamber of Commerce at (772) 567-3491 or visit

The Indian River County Chamber of Commerce is designated by the Board of County Commissioners as the primary economic development agency to recruit new targeted industry and assist in the growth and expansion of existing industry.

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