SEBASTIAN — What do you get when you cross an English bulldog and a white English terrier? If you guessed a fancy designer dog probably called some cutesy combo name like an English terribull, you’d be wrong.
Ten-year-old Boomer told me, “I am an American-as-apple-pie creation called the Boston terrier, Bonzo. My breed originated in Boston as the first American breed recognized by the AKC.”
Boomer lives with his owner Chris Friedmann in Sebastian.
“What brought you to Sebastian, Boomer?” I asked.
“To be perfectly honest, Bonzo,” Boomer said, “it was my canine girlfriend, a hot little number named Blueberry. She had moved to Sebastian with her humans Steve and Tracy. I convinced Chris we needed to move here, too.”
“Where were you guys before?” I inquired.
“I was born in Texas,” Boomer replied. “I knew when Chris came to check me out with my siblings I had to let him know I was his dog buddy. I knew he wanted a boy and that my brindle coat would impress him. So, I gave him a big smooch to seal the deal.”
“Pawsome,” I said. “Has Chris lived up to your expectations?”
“Totally Bonz,” Boomer replied. “Chris has been my gatekeeper to all fun things. But on a serious note, Chris has felt it was important for me to have a job. Since Chris is a home health physical therapist, he’s trained me to be his assistant.”
“For real?” I asked. “You go inside patients’ homes and assist Chris?”
“No, Bonzo,” Boomer said. “My official office is in the back seat of Chris’s truck. I love riding around in the truck. I encourage patients to come outside to say hello. Sometimes, patients will take a walk with me or let me walk in between their legs for balance issues.
“Before Chris and I moved to Sebastian,” Boomer said, “I assisted Chris in every facility he had worked. Chris likes to pride himself in being an excellent trainer – which he is. But I’m also an exceptionally intelligent and handsome dog.”
“One time, Chris had a patient who was depressed and refused therapy,” Boomer continued. “Chris and I drove to her house. When the patient saw me, she came out of her house, forgot her troubles and had the best therapy session.”
“What do you do to chill out and have fun, Boomer?” I asked.
“I love to sunbathe,” Boomer said. “To be sure I get an even tan, I lie on one side, then on my tummy and then the opposite side. But the best of times happen when I’m with my doggy love Blueberry.
“Often, Chris, Blueberry and I go out on Steve’s boat. Blueberry and I enjoy stopping at an island to sniff, explore and swim. While Chris and Steve are having their time fishing, Blueberry and I gaze into each other’s eyes and steal a few kisses.”
Oh brother. I guess that’s what dog buddies do when they’re in love.
Quite frankly, I’d rather be playing ball.
Till next time,
The Bonz