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Parent academy offers 10 tips for parents of tweens, teens Jan. 30

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — All parents and children are welcome to attend the Parent Academy Workshop offering free dinner, musical performance, and guest speaker on Thursday, Jan. 30, 5 to 7:30 p.m.

This program, designed especially for families with tweens and teens will take place at Oslo Middle School, 480 20th Ave. SW, Vero Beach. RSVP the number of adults and children by calling (772) 231-5799.

Margaret Sagarese, co-author of six award winning parenting books, online expert, and parent herself will deliver an inside peek at what’s going on inside your child’s head and heart, an upgrade of your parenting tools including when to take advantage of the digital age and how to sidestep the drawbacks, and a discussion on addressing adolescent cravings for adventure, romance, and risk while keeping sons and daughters safe and healthy.

Most important, though, is sharing the message that it’s exciting and fun to live with a tween or adolescent, and oh-so fleeting.

This presentation is part of a series of free workshops in which parents can learn to become an active and effective partner in their children’s education; network with other parents; and learn about community organizations that support children and families.

The Oslo Middle School Chamber Orchestra will perform at 5 p.m., dinner will be served at 5:30, and the parent workshop and free breakout sessions for youth K-2, 3-5, and 6-12 grades will take place at 6 p.m.

Upcoming workshops will include Parenting Styles on March 3 and Successful Students: Developing Healthy Food & Fitness Habits on April 8.

This event is brought to the community by Connected 4 Kids Coalition of Indian River County, and sponsored in part by Tobacco Free Partnership of Indian River County, School District of Indian River County, and CASTLE – Teaching Safe Parenting.

For more information call (772) 231-5799.

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