Sebastian widows and widowers brunch

SEBASTIAN — Start the new year with new friends.

Meet with local widows and widowers for interesting conversations on lively topics. Enjoy breakfast or lunch at Eagle’s Nest Restaurant in Sebastian on Jan. 21 at 10:30 a.m.

Everyone is welcome, especially if you are staying in this area for the winter season and want to meet other widows and widowers who call this area home all year ’round. Some may come from your home state while others may be from where you plan to vacation soon.

An optional Sebastian tour follows at Noon. January’s tour is at Fisherman’s Landing on the Sebastian waterfront.

There are no dues, no program, and each diner pays his own breakfast or luncheon tab.

The Eagle’s Nest Restaurant is located at the Sebastian Golf Course. Take Main St. to the Aairport Rd. There is plenty of parking available, including handicapped.

Please RSVP by Jan. 19. Simply leave a message for Wilma at (772) 589-1673.

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