Taxpayers’ Association of Indian River County installs officers

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — At the December meeting of the Taxpayers’ Association of Indian River County at the Elks Club, the officers for the coming year were sworn in by State Representative Debbie Mayfield.

The “Miser of the year” award was given to a person, persons, corporate or government entity, or resident of Indian River County in recognition for saving of substantial taxpayer costs during the preceding year.

This year’s recipient was Pilar Turner, Vero Beach City Council member and past Mayor of Vero Beach. In her new minority position on an increasingly progressive city council, her tenacity in questioning the role of government, pressing for fiscal accountability, and defending us against unelected bureaucracies earned our gratitude and respect

The “Ted Brown” award was given to a person residing in Indian River County in recognition of outstanding service, including volunteerism, to the taxpayers of the county during the preceding calendar year.

This years’ recipient was Dennis Bartholomew, Executive Director of The Source, the only outreach ministry in Indian River County. Apart from The Source, Dennis gives of his time to be involved in many local charities, education groups, and other advisory boards that help the less fortunate.

For further information about the Taxpayers Association, please contact Stuart Kennedy at (772) 559-4037.

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