GIFFORD — Archie Pound, 68, has lived in his Gifford home for over 40 years, and today he shares it with his daughters, Deandra Pound and Angela Pound, and his 5 month old grandson, Gervon.
Three years ago, a gangrene infection resulted in Pound having his left leg amputated, limiting his mobility and rendering him homebound, confined to a hospital bed in his living room much of the time since then.
Pound has been unable to keep up with necessary home repairs, and combined with past damage from hurricanes, the aging home has begun to deteriorate.
Through the Indian River Habitat for Humanity Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative, the necessary repairs are being accomplished. Among the volunteers who have made this possible were almost 30 men who gathered for a project they called Real Men Build.
They painted the exterior of Mr. Pound’s home, repaired the kitchen cabinets, living room and a bedroom, completed bathroom repairs and plumbing, restored windows, and tidied up the yard to make it safe for children to play in.
The men are part of The Brotherhood group from Gatherers of the Harvest Church. A group from Christ Cathedral Church in Orlando joined the volunteers as well, and nine members of Pounds’ family also pitched in.
Angels’ Touch Catering provided food for the workers.
“I am so glad that my dad can have a better home. We have never had anything like this done before,”said Angela Pound, who was moved to tears.
The work accomplished by this collaborative effort through Habitat for Humanity will provide more space and a healthier environment for the family and ultimately, will help unify Mr. Pound with his children and grandchildren.
Gatherers of the Harvest Church reunited once more to organize a men’s conference titled “Breaking Down Walls of Pride and Building Walls of Unity.”
More than 200 men attended, and Senior Pastor Terry L. Stover emphasized how vital it is for men to know that they are not alone and that support still exists.
He stated that the community needs more programs like the Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative (NRI) and that churches play an important part in making this happen.
” I’m inspired by being here today and working alongside other men of color. This is good for the children who helped and good for the Gifford community.
It’s important that we as men know that we can build up families by providing back to the community. Instead of men shooting and in crime, we are building families,” NRI committee member David Myers explained.
The Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative is designed to transform neighborhoods using a holistic approach. Indian River Habitat for Humanity is joining with residents, nonprofits, businesses, local governments, and communities of faith to create and implement a shared vision of revitalization.
Skilled volunteers and groups work together to provide repairs for families in need. Some homes need minor repairs, painting and home preservation repairs, and others need wheelchair ramps and major roof work.
To qualify, homeowners must reside in the home, own the home, and meet income guidelines. Homeowners must also partner with IRHFH by completing sweat equity hours, and in some cases, educational courses, to ensure that proper maintenance will be kept on the homes.
All families are also required to partner with the affiliate. Interested families can contact LaKisha Erwin at Indian River Habitat at (772) 562- 9860 ext. 211 or by email at [email protected] for more information.
This program expects to help over 20 families this year by providing safe and decent housing conditions.