FELLSMERE — Volunteers at Operation Hope are getting ready for this Saturday’s annual Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway, but organizers are concerned there might not be enough birds to go around.
With a couple days before the event, Operation Hope President and Founder Jesse Zermeno said he counted 160 turkeys. Another 30, pre-cooked by the Indian River County Fire Rescue Big Heart Brigade, will be delivered. But that’s far short of the 600 turkeys and chickens Operation Hope was able to distribute last year.
“We always do our best,” Zermeno said of helping the area’s needy families. While they helped 600 families last year, he suspects more families will line up this year given the continued decline in the economy.
“I have faith” more turkeys will arrive, he said, adding that he’d be happy with 300 birds.
And though Operation Hope serves a predominantly Hispanic population, Zermeno said more and more who are seeking help are white.
“People are getting laid off,” he said. “People are in trouble.”
The Thanksgiving Giveaway will take place at Operation Hope, located on County Road 512 just west of Interstate 95, at 1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 23.
Along with turkeys – and chickens – the organization hopes to hand out the traditional Thanksgiving trimmings, including boxed mashed potatoes and jars of gravy, stove top dressing, and cans of green beans and cranberry sauce.
“Miracles do happen,” Zermeno said, noting that every year the community steps up and makes last minute donations to make the giveaway a success.
Currently, Zermeno has commitments from area farmers to provide fresh-from-the-fields sweet potatoes, coffee creamer from Dunkin’ Donuts, and beverages from Pepsi Co.
The Indian River Charity Club of Vero Beach and veterans from Palm Bay have also told Operation Hope they plan to help, along with Lane Construction and longtime sponsor INS Partners Inc. And students from a school in Brevard County have taken up a collection for toiletries, which will be distributed during the giveaway on Saturday.
“God bless them,” Zermeno said of those who have volunteered to help.
As soon as the Thanksgiving event is over, Zermeno will be shifting gears, preparing for the annual Christmas Giveaway, which will be held in December. Already, he is seeking donations of toys and small electronics for children ages infant to teen.
Anyone interested in helping Operation Hope’s Thanksgiving Giveaway can drop off food items at any of three locations: Operation Hope in Fellsmere, LoPresti Aviation at the Sebastian Municipal Airport, and First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach located at 520 Royal Palm Blvd.
For more information about Operation Hope, visit www.OperationHopeFL.org or call (772) 571-0003. Operation Hope is located at 12285 CR 512, Fellsmere.