Richard A. Stark joins Camp Haven Board

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The Camp Haven Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Richard A. Stark, Esq., has agreed to join the Board of Directors of Camp Haven.

Mr. Stark is a long time resident of John’s Island who is well known for his philanthropy and community involvement. He has always had a significant impact on Vero Beach and is particularly noted for his contributions to the arts and culture.

Both the Stark Stage at Riverside Theater and The Stark Gallery at The Vero Beach Art Museum bear his name. Dick Stark is also the Founder and Chairman of the Treasure Coast Homeless Services Council, Inc. and has made significant contributions to homeless families with the construction of the Stark Family Center.

“Anyone who knows Mr. Stark knows that if he takes on a commitment to serve the community, he does it with passion and compassion. We are so blessed, honored, and delighted to have Mr. Stark join our Board,” said Lalita Janke, Camp Haven, Inc. President.

“This is just another example of Mr. Stark’s dedication to building a true continuum of care to end homelessness. Mr. Stark cares. Homelessness is affecting people who never thought that some day they would have no permanent roof over their heads,” explained Louise Hubbard, Executive Director, Treasure Coast Homeless Services Council, Inc. 

“We are still in the Capital Campaign stage, and Mr. Stark’s support brings us to the ribbon cutting date a lot sooner,” added Board Treasurer Jim Schorner.

The mission of Camp Haven is to provide supportive living and transformational opportunities for Indian River County adult residents who are committed to rising out of homelessness.

For more information about this program or details on the opening of Camp Haven, please contact Lalita Janke at (772) 999-3625 or visit the website at

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