Updated w/video: Local orchestras put on frightfully talented performance

VERO BEACH — Orchestras from Vero Beach High and Gifford Middle schools filled the air with screams and familiar Halloween music with an interjection of punny jokes to a background of costumed performers and a pumpkin lined stage.

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As audience members entered the Vero Beach High School Performing Arts Center they were greeted by a ghoulish devil, Daniel Blasco, who opened the door for many and scared a few before the Orchestral Spooktacular.

The Vero Beach High Philharmonic, Freshman, Concert, and Symphony Orchestras played, along with Gifford Middle’s Beginning and Advanced Orchestra.

A familiar theme started the concert, the Psycho Prelude. Then the music took a more classical turn, until the VBHS Freshman Orchestra performed “Rosin Eating Zombies from Outer Space” by Meyer, then the VBHS Concert Orchestra performed Meyer’s “Curse of the Rosin Eating Zombies from Outer Space.”

In between songs, costumed performers carried signs with puns on them like, “Can you Handel,” and “I’m Bach,” along with “More Puns? I have an entire Listz.”

In the program, audience members were reminded that the VBHS Orchestra is still raising money to attend the performance in the Capital Orchestra Festival at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C., March 14. For updates visit www.verobeachorchestra.com.

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