FELLSMERE — The days to the start of the Fellsmere Farmers Market and Mercado at the Old Fellsmere School are beginning to dwindle as organizers prepare for what they hope will be Sept. 28.
Co-organizer Sara Savage, a Fellsmere City Council member, said they want to get the market going on Sept. 28 but they still need the council’s blessing before moving forward. When that comes to a vote Sept. 19, Savage expects to abstain due to the potential conflict of interest.
In the meantime, Savage and her fellow organizers are still seeking vendors who would like to set up at the market from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month.
While the emphasis is on homemade, homegrown and local products and produce, most any vendor is welcome to participate – those who aren’t offering local, handcrafted items can set up in the “mercado.”
And, as a way to draw more people to the inaugural market, organizers have arranged for various drawings to take place – including a chance to win a tour for six at The National Elephant Center.
As a non-profit, The National Elephant Center is raising funds to help offset its costs – the drawing would serve as a fundraiser for the organization, according to Savage.
Chances are $1 each or six for $5 and the drawing will be held at 1 p.m. Sept. 28, provided the market is allowed to be held as planned. Participants must be present in order to win.
“We want to showcase the things we have in Fellsmere,” Savage said, which includes the elephant center.
Vendors are also offering up items for various drawings, which will be held hourly beginning at 10 a.m. A 50/50 drawing is also scheduled for 12:30 p.m. Like The National Elephant Center drawing, participants must be present to win.
For more information about the Fellsmere Farmers Market and Mercado, check out the group’s Facebook page and group or call Sara Savage at (772) 413-1784.