Just when you think something will remain the same for EVER… well, we really don’t think that much any more, right? I mean, who can keep up with technology today?
The Ipad that we had to have last week is “SO yesterday” today. And what foods are good for us? Today we should all eat bananas six times a day and next thing you know, its bye-bye bananas and hello pumpernickel bread and kiwis.
Here at Habitat we are going through some BIG – and pretty exciting – changes. It hasn’t been easy breezy in some ways but, at the end of the day, we expect to be able to help even more families in need have safe, simple homes.
Here’s the quick version: Indian River Habitat has depended on new construction for most of the homes we provide, adding a few renovations of existing homes and a few home repairs so the residents can remain safely in them.
Now, we have switched that equation around and will be doing more repair projects and rehabbing existing houses, such as foreclosures, and far fewer new builds.
With this new plan, which has also meant a leaner staff and some volunteer reshuffling, we hope to serve 55 families in FY2014, compared to 50 in FY2013.
And that, after all, is our mission.