SEBASTIAN —A request that the city join Capt. Hiram’s in sponsoring a triathlon to support the Indian River Lagoon met with enthusiastic council approval at Wednesday’s Sebastian City Council meeting.
Speaking for the Capt. Hiram’s River Challenge, scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 17, were the resort’s General Manager David Kurland and Will Collins, son of owner Tom Collins.
Noting the extensive concern for the well-being of the lagoon expressed throughout the community in recent weeks, Kuland said the two-fold purpose of the Sprint-Triathlon is to raise awareness of the perils that face the lagoon and to showcase the City of Sebastian.
All three segments will start and end at Capt. Hirams: a half-mile swim, a 12-mile bike ride and a 5K run. The planners anticipate about 300 participants for the one day event, including the triathletes and support personnel.
All funds raised will benefit the Coastal Conservation Association’s Treasure Coast Chapter, the Environmental Learning Center and the Ocean Research and Conservation Association.
The city will provide necessary support including permitting, promotion, granting use of parking areas and race routes.
In other action, the Sebastian City Council approved two amendments to the comprehensive plan, one changing the land use designation of 2.45 acres of annexed land at 11465 Old Dixie from low density to industrial, allowing the petitioner use of the land to grow fruit trees and operate a winery.
The second approved voluntary annexation of 1.43 acres of city-owned land adjacent to the Sebastian Cemetery and change of land use designation from residential to institutional, the property to be used for cemetery expansion.