North Carolina man arrested for soliciting, traveling to meet girl for sex

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Undercover detectives have arrested a North Carolina man for allegedly soliciting and traveling to meet a 14-year-old girl for sex, according to the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office.

The man traveled from the Hobe Sound area, where he was employed in the construction industry, to meet with the girl, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

 On Aug. 2, Arthur James Flood, 61, was arrested when he met with detectives whom he thought was a 14-year-old girl, according to authorities.

The day prior, an undercover detective responded to an online ad placed by Flood. The detective used the persona of a 14-year-old girl and, through a series of emails, confirmed that Flood was aware of her age.

On the evening of Aug. 2, Flood had arranged to meet the 14-year-old at the IHOP near the Knights Inn on west State Road 60 in Indian River County, according to the Sheriff’s Office. Upon his arrival, Flood was met by undercover detectives and was arrested.

He told detectives that he did not intend to have sex with the 14-year-old girl and was only meeting her to tell her how dangerous it was to engage in this sort of activity.

Flood faces charges of traveling to meet a minor for unlawful sexual activity and lewd computer solicitation of a child, according to authorities. He was released on Aug. 4, after posting $50,000 bond.

This investigation was part of the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office continuing involvement with the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.

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