FELLSMERE — The Fellsmere City Council Thursday night approved a proposed property tax rate that will go to the public during two hearings in September before final adoption and approved a special event permit for the Indian River Airboat’s annual show and swap meet.
The proposed tax rate is higher than last year’s rate, but is not expected to cost tax payers more in property taxes given the current state of property values.
The proposed rate is 5.6190 mills – up from 5.499 mills last year. However, due to a decline in property values, the rate is less than what the city would need to set in order to generate the same revenue as last year.
If approved, property owners would pay $5.6190 (essentially $5.62) per $1,000 of assessed taxable value on their homes.
Two public hearings have been scheduled for Sept. 5 and Sept. 19, both at 6 p.m. in the Fellsmere City Council Chambers.
The council also approved an approximate 1.63 percent increase to its water rates for customers inside and outside the city’s limits.
Residential customers inside the city limits can expect their water bill to go up 21 cents for the smallest water meter line. Residential customers outside the city limits can expect the same 21-cent increase plus the pre-existing 25 percent surcharge.
The increase depends on the size of the meter and ranges from 21 cents for the smallest to $1.68 for the largest – for residential customers.
Commercial customers can expect the same increase for the same size meters. The larger meters – starting at 3 inches – will increase between $3.26 and $23.41, for the 10-inch meter.
Along with approving the proposed property tax rate and the water rate increases, the Fellsmere City Council also unanimously approved a special event permit for the Indian River County Airboat Association’s annual Southern Outdoor Jamboree.
The day-long event will be held on the grounds of the Old Fellsmere School on Sept. 7.
“We’d definitely like to see this thing grow,” City Manager Jason Nunemaker said of the event.
The organization will have its airboats on display, live music and entertainment, bounce houses and a pony ride, food and beer, and a possible whip-cracking contest, according to the plans presented to the Fellsmere City Council. Vendors, too, will be at the event selling their wares.
Organizers expect the event to draw anywhere from 500 to 1,500 people to the property.