Visit the Darby Gallery at First Friday Gallery Stroll

VERO BEACH — Art lovers: the Darby Gallery invites you to the Aug. 2 First Friday Art Walk from 5-8 p.m.

The gallery works hard to play a crucial role in the cultural experience for the greater community of Vero Beach by promoting innovative artists who challenge, stimulate, and engage.

Darby’s focus is on artwork that promotes contemporary inspiration. Check out the Lauderdale Artist Haven 2013 International Juried Competition Seascape award presented to Darby’s Peter Laughton for his “New Beginings” painting.

The Darby Gallery displays quality collectible artwork from twenty-eight talented artists and sculptors.

The Darby Gallery is ideally located at 1902 14th Ave. in the heart of Vero’s Arts District.

The Gallery accepts proposals from emerging and established contemporary artists year around.

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