There are some things that maybe should be left un-hurried, even in our Faster, Farther, Quicker world. Or maybe it’s just me. Drive-up windows for fast food restaurants and banks are handy, no argument there. But I can’t quite wrap my brain around drive-up weddings, which some chapels in
Vegas advertise. Really? And – now – drive-up funerals. REALLY? Friends who are so busy they can’t carve enough time out of their day to sit for an hour or so can, as the ad tells us, drive up, view and get on with their Busy Day. . . . .come ON folks.
Among our Habitat homeowners is a hard-working grandma with a great smile and a cheery attitude to match. Chequeta Hield was determined to qualify for and then to work toward a home of her own. She stayed the course, put in the hundreds of required Sweat Equity hours and made a home for herself, and her son and daughter in Habitat’s Grace Meadows neighborhood. During much of that time, she cared for her grandson Justice as well. (That’s him with his grandma in the photo. Isn’t he a sweetie?) Chequeta is still working hard at SunAg but now she comes home to a cool, air-conditioned home instead of sweating in a tiny, broken down trailer. Her kids are grown and moved away now, but
Justice, has his own room there and loves to visit when his daddy is working.
Here’s to you,