FELLSMERE — The Fellsmere City Council Thursday night voiced support for an idea that could bring a 5-ton piece of the city’s history back to town.
Fellsmere historian Clarence “Korky” Korker made his pitch to the council, calling on the members to – at the least – direct staff to draw up an agreement to bring home the engine that powered the city’s electric and ice plant in the early 1900s.
“I would sure hate to lose it,” Korker said of the engine.
The owner, Johnny Perez, initially asked for $15,000 to part with the engine but has since dropped the price to $12,000. The amount would essentially cover the cost of building a custom trailer for hauling the engine.
Earlier this year, Korker said he would be assembling a group of residents to help in raising the funds to buy the engine, explaining that they would have a couple years before Perez would quit hauling the engine to various fly-wheel engine shows.
In the months since, Perez’s circumstances have changed. He plans to retire from the show circuit next spring – pushing up the timetable for transferring ownership of the engine.
Mayor Susan Adams said that if the city could pay over time, that could be do-able.
“He isn’t worried about the money,” Korker said.
Councilwoman Sara Savage said the city should get the paperwork started. The documents would stipulate the terms of the purchase.
“We’ll get the ball rolling on this,” Mayor Adams said.
The Fellsmere City Council also took the following actions on other items brought before it:
- Postponed two public hearings pertaining to the development plan for the MESA Park property;
- Gave initial approval for the annual Indian River Airboat Association show to be held at the Old Fellsmere School grounds on Sept. 7;
- Postponed a resolution vacating a right-of-way easement adjacent to Antiquo Stone;
- Approved a resolution calling for a General Election on Nov. 5 for two seats on the Fellsmere City Council;
- Approved authorizing Mayor Adams to execute an easement to City Gas at the Little League Park to install a natural gas regulating station;
- And approved authorizing the mayor to amend an agreement to allow Culpepper and Terpening to provide construction engineering inspections at the Fellsmere Trailhead Preserve Welcome Center.