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First Friday Gallery Stroll June 7

VERO BEACH — The First Friday Art Gallery Strolls in the Downtown Vero Beach Arts District are usually distinguished by formal works hung on the walls of the 11 local galleries.

The upcoming stroll on Friday, June 7, will have something different that can be enjoyed by everyone as 8 local artists will create images during the stroll on Crescent Rendr Paper.

Rendr is Crescent’s newest product that works with almost all media and does not bleed through. Artists will be working in ink, acrylic, and marker.

The 8 artists are Elise Carter, Ellen Fischer, Susan Hale, Kim Weissenborn, Greg Ingerson, Carol Bennett, Lisa Jill Allison, Barry Shapiro, and Megan Hoots who will design and execute the floor in advance of the show. One section of wall will be set aside for gallery strollers to leave a picture or message of their own.

Crescent is headquartered in Wheeling, IL and is a private, family-owned company founded over 100 years ago by the Ozmun family, which is now in its 5th generation of leadership and commitment to the company.

They are the recognized leader in the manufacturing and marketing of paper and board products for the custom framing and art materials markets, known for quality and creativity with a focus on color, innovation, and design.

When Lighthouse owner Barry Shapiro first presented the concept to Crescent representative Robert Cosby, he saw this as a great opportunity to promote Crescent products to artists on a local level and hopes to replicate the event at other frame shops and supply stores around the country.

The Art Gallery Stroll begins at 5 p.m. and continues until 8 p.m. or later, depending on the crowds. Sponsored by the 11 downtown galleries, they have proven to be one of the most popular events for both tourists and locals and have attracted hundreds of people to the Downtown Arts District around 14th Ave.

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