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Center for Spiritual Care offers 2 classes in June

VERO BEACH — The Center for Spiritual Care, located at 1550 24th. St. in historic downtown Vero Beach, is offering two June workshops for those giving care.

The topic for the workshop on June 6 is Dealing with Dementia with Peggy Cunningham, Executive Director of the Alzheimer’s and Parkinson Association.

The June 20 workshop’s topic is titled Meditation and Stress with Randy Mackenzie, a transcendental meditation teacher.

The workshops are from 2-4 p.m. with the first hour given to each person discussing their personal caregiving situation and sharing ideas, and the second with the presenter.

All are welcome as it is free; however, donations are accepted.

For more information, please contact the center at (772) 567-1233 or by email at

Randy Mackenzie has been a TM teacher for 36 years and has taught TM to more than 800 people around the world.

He was also the Director of Advanced Programs in Upstate NY and a director of an Ayurvedic Health Clinic in Livingston Manor, NY. He has participated in World Peace projects in Thailand, Europe, Washington, D.C. and Iowa.

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