BUZZ: To connect with family on facebook or not?

This pertains to teenagers and those with that wacky uncle; you know who I’m talking about.

There’s nothing more dreaded than seeing a family member you’re not too keen on, requesting to connect on facebook. It’s hard to describe, it just sits on your stomach like a bad meal.

Some people though, have no problem, heartlessly clicking “not now.”

But, those who see our relatives around the holidays weigh our decision, a year of comments that are unwelcome or a few days at Christmas of, “why didn’t you friend me on faccebook?”

Now, there is a way on facebook to friend them and not share certain posts. To do this you can organize your friends into lists. But keep in mind, if you forget to select this option one time, you might regret it.

If you’re interested in learning how share posts by using lists visit:

What are your thoughts? Are you lucky, living in harmony with all of your relatives? Or have you agonized over this decision?

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