Commission names Dylan Reingold new county attorney

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The County Commission today selected Dylan Reingold, head of the Land Use and Environmental Law Department with the Office of General Council in Jacksonville, as the new Indian River County Attorney.

The vote was 4-1, with Commissioner Joe Flescher holding out for the county’s own Deputy County Attorney Bill DeBraal.

Reingold told commissioners in his resume cover letter that he wanted to return to Indian River County, where he had performed oceanographic research as a student in the graduate program at the Florida Institute of Technology.

County Attorney Alan Polackwich informed the board several months ago he would retire this summer.

That set in motion a process in which the board and staff solicited and reviewed applications for the position.

The pool of applicants was narrowed to six on May 7 and five of the six selected as suitable were interviewed in the two weeks since then, with each candidate spending a lengthy session with each commissioner.

The sixth pre-qualified candidate was unable to coordinate her schedule to meet with commissioners in the two-week timeframe, according to Flescher.

The selection process began with each commissioner ranking the five candidates in order of preference. Based on that tally, Reingold, DeBraal and Vero Beach attorney James Wilson were the top-ranked candidates.

A brief discussion of those three showed most of the commissioners wanted either Reingold or DeBraal.

DeBraal, who is well known to the commission, was complimented on his general abilities, local knowledge and accessibility after hours.

“He is ready to hit the ground running,” said Commissioner Bob Solari

Commissioners liked Reingold’s energy and enthusiasm and his broader legal experience acquired working in the Jacksonville General Counsel’s office, which is 10 times the size of Indian River County’s legal department.

Commissioner Peter O’Bryan said he was impressed as well by Reingold taking the time to spend two days visiting the community with his wife when he came down from Jacksonville for the interview process.

In the second round of ranking, Reingold was the top choice of Commissioners Wesley Davis, Solari, Zorc and O’Bryan. Most of them named DeBraal as their second choice.

Commissioner Flescher ranked DeBraal number one and Reingold number two.

Solari made a motion to select Reingold, which was promptly seconded and followed by the 4-1 vote in Reingold’s favor.

According to his facebook page and other online information, Reingold likes to read and run on the beach. He lists Hooray For the Earth and the Decemberists as favorite bands and “The Outliers” and “Atlas Shrugged” as favorite books.

Reingold will be leaving his Jacksonville post where he is currently earning a $99,960 annual salary, according to his job application. What his salary with Indian River County will be remains to be negotiated.

The exact date Reinhold will take over as county attorney was not mentioned, but Polackwich has indicated he wants to retire no later than August.

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