VERO BEACH — Around 40 people held hands and signs along the shoreline of South Beach park in Vero Beach during Hands Across the Sand.
Hands Across the Sand is a global initiative spanning 50 states and over 40 countries worldwide, from New Zealand to Hawaii. The initiative promotes saying “no” to offshore drilling and “yes” to clean energy.
Signs held protested “oil addiction,” urging us to cut carbon, wanting a clean ocean, keeping Florida Beautiful, “climate justice,” and saying “no” to the Keystone Pipeline.
Heather Murphy and Dennis Burdett drove three hours from Eustis, Fla., to attend the event.
“We have a lot of concern about the water quality and the animal life,” said Burdett.
At Noon, people who attended the event, held hands for 15 minutes, forming a line in front of the surf staring at beach goers.
Some inquired about what they were doing, others took pictures, and a large percentage didn’t blink at the people standing before them.
Public transportation, walking, biking, carpooling to and from the event was encouraged. Those who attended were also reminded to be respectful of others with differing opinions.
“We are just here to say that we want to put a stop to offshore drilling, and mountaintop removal coal mining, and that we want more clean energy, and we need to make it happen now so that our children and grandchildren will have a clean place to live,” said event organizer Amanda Fagan.