I know a lot of people who swear by their chiropractor, but this YouTube video doesn’t make me feel any better about the profession.
Here are a few pins that I’ve like in the past weeks from Pinterest. I’m still amazed at what people are using this platform for, everything from projects, to weddings, to just wasting time.
Happy clicking,
Top YouTube Videos:
Cracked Chiropractor Commercial – http://ow.ly/l6cr4
What Your Body Does In 30 Seconds – http://ow.ly/l6dbA
Interesting Pins on Pinterest:
Ah, film, I think I still have a few rolls around the apartment from 2002 – http://bit.ly/O7rD6v
Here’s a great idea for a construction worker/gardener or your friend that’s involved in Habitat for Humanity – http://bit.ly/O7rTSZ
Tasty: Beef Carnitas (made w/ flank steak) – http://bit.ly/O7rZdg
To all my vero friends. Please kill all the lovebugs with your windshields by Friday so when I am back from vacation they will be gone.
Cat made a big racket, dog stole my breakfast while I investigated. Could they have planned this?????
Ten year old to me “mom this new sweater makes me look like a dork!” Me “No it doesn’t! You look handsome…here try this black skullcap. That’ll add ‘cool'” Munchkin puts it on looks in the mirror and says “Great, now I look like a Canadian dork! I feel like I should be going around saying ‘eh'”!
I go to flush the toilet this morning and out hops a frog right out of the bowl! Wow, what a suprise first thing! I saveded him.
I wish work was more like Survivor and we could start voting people off!!!